<<TableOfContents: execution failed [list index out of range] (see also the log)>>
This page describes using the MoinMoin wiki syntax (which is the default syntax for a MoinMoin based wiki, but not the only one). For other parsers/syntaxes take a look at HelpOnParsers.
- Use one or more blank lines to separate paragraphs.
Use <<BR>> macro to insert linebreaks into paragraphs.
Name/Sample |
Markup |
Notes |
italic |
''italic'' |
Double single quotes. |
bold |
'''bold''' |
Triple single quotes. |
monospace |
`monospace` |
Single backticks for inline monospaced text. If possible, try to avoid long monospaced texts, especially inside tables: sometimes they are not properly wrapped by the browsers. Wiki markup is ignored. |
monospace |
{{{monospace}}} |
Same as backticks. Placing the braces in separate lines produces a code block. |
underline |
__underline__ |
superscript |
^super^script |
subscript |
,,sub,,script |
smaller |
~-smaller-~ |
larger |
~+larger+~ |
stroke |
--(stroke)-- |
Colorize text
Colorizing is enabled in tables without additional macros (see HelpOnTables).
Colorize code (Syntax Highlighting)
There are several ways to highlight code:
Start a special code block containing the parser's name: {{{#!parsername
Embed a file attachment bearing a supported extension (such as ".py") with {{attachment:test.py}}
Begin a page with the format processing instruction: #format parsername
MoinMoin comes with a special parser called highlight that is based on Pygments internally.
You can use it to highlight many sorts of programming source code, configuration files and other sorts of text files used on computers.
Mixing ''italic'' and '''bold'''
Markup |
Result |
'''''Mix''' at the beginning'' |
Mix at the beginning |
'''''Mix'' at the beginning''' |
Mix at the beginning |
'''Mix at the ''end''''' |
Mix at the end |
''Mix at the '''end''''' |
Mix at the end |
Superscript & Subscript
You might recall ''a''^2^ `+` ''b''^2^ `=` ''c''^2^ from your math lessons, unless your head is filled with H,,2,,O.
You might recall a2 + b2 = c2 from your math lessons, unless your head is filled with H2O.
Code blocks
{{{ 10 PRINT "Hello, world!" 20 GOTO 10 }}}
10 PRINT "Hello, world!" 20 GOTO 10
Nesting curly braces
As pointed out on HelpOnParsers, you can nest multiple levels of curly braces:
{{{{ This is a preformatted text block. {{{ with curly braces inside }}} }}}}
This is a preformatted text block. {{{ with curly braces inside }}}
Colorized Code
{{{#!highlight python from colors import palette palette.colorize('python') }}}
1 from colors import palette
2 palette.colorize('python')