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Language Tools and Resources for Polish

This page contains a list of publicly available language tools and resources.

Written corpora of contemporary Polish

Written corpora of historical Polish

Spoken corpora

Language models

Parallel corpora and translation memories

Machine-readable dictionaries

Human-readable dictionaries

Morphological tools and resources


Parsers, grammars, treebanks

Semantic resources

  • CDSCorpus, a dataset of 10k pairs of Polish sentences manually annotated for semantic relatedness and entailment (A. Wróblewska)

  • Probing datasets, Polish and English probing datasets for linguistic verification of sentence embeddings (A. Wróblewska)

Sentiment analysis, opinion mining


Speech analysis and synthesis tools

Machine translation demonstrations



Named entity recognition

  • Nerf, a tool for named entity recognition, available on GNU GPL v.3 (J. Waszczuk),

  • Liner2, named entity recognizer released on GNU GPL with models to recognize 5 and 56 categories of proper names (M. Marcińczuk and M. Janicki),

  • TIMEX, a model for Liner2 to recognize and normalize temporal expressions (J. Kocoń and M. Marcińczuk).

Multiword expression software

  • TermoPL, multiword expression extraction tool,

  • VMWE identifiers, systems having participated in the PARSEME shared task for automatic identification of verbal MWEs, 13 out of 17 systems submitted results for Polish,

  • PARSEME-FR demonstrator, including the ATILF-LLF multiword expression identifier for Polish,

Aggregating services


  • Mobile plWordNet, free mobile application for plWordNet browsing (J. Kocoń),

  • WSDDE, a system for designing and performing Word Sense Disambiguation experiments (R. Młodzki et al.),

  • Frazeo, a search engine and clusterer of news in Polish (P. Pęzik),

  • Segment, a rule-based sentence tokenizer supporting SRX standard (J. Lipski; the Polish rules are available in LanguageTool project, see here for short instructions on how to use the tool),

  • Toki, a tokenizer supporting SRX standard, C++ library and toolkit (T. Śniatowski and A. Radziszewski),

  • Translatica SRX sentence segmentation rules for Polish (LGPL),

  • SyMGIZA++, an extension of Giza++ that computes symmetric word alignment models,

  • Hipisek, an experimental question answering system (M. Walas),

  • Narzędzia dygitalizacji tekstów, Poliqarp for DjVu i inne programy,

  • Fextor, a feature extraction framework,

  • LexCSD, a system for semi-automatic sense disambiguation,

  • SuperMatrix, a general tool for lexical semantic knowledge acquisition,

  • WordnetLoom, an wordnet editor application,

  • Toposław, tool for the creation of electronic inflectional dictionaries of multi-word units,

  • CorpCor, a web-based tool for correcting morphosyntactic annotation in TEI XML encoded corpora (e.g. NKJP).

  • Stylo 2, stylometry demo,

  • DeepEvents, event extraction in Polish, based on deep neural networks.

  • Word similarity, calculation of the similarity of words based on word embeddings, on-line service,

  • Baltoslav, with several script converters (Romanizer, Cyrillizer, IPA Converter etc.),

  • SpacyPL, Polish language models and resources for Spacy

  • Jasnopis, analyzer of text obscurity level

  • AIDe, corpus of image descriptions in Polish (A. Wróblewska)