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English name:

The MONDILEX project Conceptual Modelling of Networking of Centres for High-Quality Research in Slavic Lexicography and Their Digital Resources

Polish name:

Koncepcyjne Modelowanie  Sieciowych Ośrodków dla wysokiej jakości badań w leksykografii słowiańskiej i ich zasobów cyfrowych

Project type:

Projekt Europejski 211938  MONDILEX – Conceptual Modelling of Networking of Centres for High-Quality Research in Slavic Lexicography and Their Digital Resources FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2007-1


2007 – 2010

Project Web page:

Principal investigator:

Ludmila Dimitrova(1), Violetta Koseska-Toszewa(2), Radovan Garabík(3), Tomaž Erjavec(4), Leonid Iomdin(5), Volodymyr Shyrokov(6)


(1)Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia, Bulgaria; (2)Institute of Slavic Studies, Warsaw, Poland; (3)Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Bratislava, Slovakia; (4)Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia; (5)Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Moscow, Russia; (6)Ukrainian Lingua-Information Fund, Kiev, Ukraine

Polish partners involved

Project description

The MONDILEX project Conceptual Modelling of Networking of Centres for High-Quality Research in Slavic Lexicography and Their Digital Resources is a EU project funded by the European Commission within the 7th FP in the field “Capacities – Research Infrastructures: Design studies for research infrastructures in all sciences and technologies fields”.