Polish PARSEME corpus

The PARSEME corpus is a multilingual corpus annotated manually for verbal multiword expressions (VMWEs) in 20 languages including Polish. If was used in the PARSEME shared task on automatic identification of verbal multiword expressions. It was created due to a collective effort of the IC1207 COST action PARSEME. It contains in total 280,838 sentences, 6,072,331 tokens and 79,326 annotated VMWEs in 20 languages. It is openly available via LINDAT/CLARIN under various flavours of the Creative Common licence.

Reference publications:

The Polish subcorpus contains 27,904 sentences, 638,002 tokens and 5,536 VMWE annotations of 3 categories:

The VMWE annotations are aligned with morphological and syntactic annotations in the CoNLL-U format. The morphological data (lemmas, POS, morphological features)) stem from the original corpora. The syntactic data (dependencies) stem partly from the manual annotation in Składnica and partly from automatic annotation with UDPipe.



The VMWE data are distributed under the terms of the CC-BY v4 license. The lemmas, POS-tags, morphological features, and dependency relations are distributed under the terms of the CC-BY-SA 0.4 and GNU GPL v.3 licences.

Available resources

Future work

last edited 2019-03-07 18:42:55 by AgataSavary