Project factsheet
English name: |
Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies |
Project type: |
A H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1 grant |
Proposal number: |
654119 |
Duration: |
2015 ‒ 2019 |
Project website: |
Polish participation: |
Linguistic Engineering Group, Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences and G4.19 Research Group, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Institute of Informatics, Faculty of Computer Science and Management, Wrocław University of Technology on behalf of CLARIN |
Project summary
PARTHENOS aims at strengthening the cohesion of research in the broad sector of Linguistic Studies, Humanities, Cultural Heritage, History, Archaeology and related fields through a thematic cluster of European Research Infrastructures, integrating initiatives, e-infrastructures and other world-class infrastructures, and building bridges between different, although tightly, interrelated fields. PARTHENOS will achieve this objective through the definition and support of common standards, the coordination of joint activities, the harmonization of policy definition and implementation, and the development of pooled services and of shared solutions to the same problems.
PARTHENOS will address and provide common solutions to the definition and implementation of joint policies and solutions for the humanities and linguistic data lifecycle, taking into account the specific needs of the sector that require dedicated design, including provisions for cross-discipline data use and re-use, the implementation of common AAA (authentication, authorization, access) and data curation policies, including long-term preservation; quality criteria and data approval/certification; IPR management, also addressing sensitive data and privacy issues; foresight studies about innovative methods for the humanities; standardization and interoperability; common tools for data-oriented services such as resource discovery, search services, quality assessment of metadata, annotation of sources; communication activities; and joint training activities. Built around the two ERICs of the sector, DARIAH and CLARIN, and involving all the relevant Integrating Activities projects, PARTHENOS will deliver guidelines, standards, methods, services and tools to be used by its partners and by all the research community. It will exploit commonalities and synergies to optimize the use of resources in related domains.