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Polish Framenet

Project factsheet

Polish title:

RAMKI: rygorystyczna aplikacja metodologii kognitywno-interpretacyjnej (ram interpretacyjnych) do opisu polszczyzny

Project type:

A national Ministry of Science and Higher Education research grant (number N104 024 32/1840)


2007 ‒ 2009

Project Web page:


Principal investigator:

Jadwiga Linde-Usiekniewicz


University of Warsaw

Project description

The aim of this project is to describe a subset of Polish verbs (cca. 200 lexical units) using the Frame Semantics approach, developed by Ch. Fillmore. The project’s results will be a database consisting of interpretative frames for appropriate lexical units. The data presented will cover:

  1. surface syntactic arguments of the verbs,
  2. the list of syntactic-semantic roles corresponding to frame elements, including both required and optional (adverbial) phrases,
  3. a short scenario of the situation described by each verb,
  4. corpus examples with both surface syntactic and semantic tagging.

The analyses should result in a new semantic, syntactic and pragmatic classification of Polish verbs, which should be more useful for natural language processing, including text interpretation and data mining. The database would be compiled manually, using morphologically tagged corpora of the Polish language (The PWN Corpus of the Polish Language and the IPI PAN corpus. Linguists compiling the base will be provided with IT tools specifically designed to cover their needs.