## page was renamed from Projects = Linguistic Engineering Projects = This page contains a list of ''externally financed'' projects relevant to language resources and technologies carried out by Polish research institutions. == Ending in… == === 2026 === * [[https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA21167/|UniDive]] (Universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology) === 2023 === * [[https://clarin.biz/|CLARIN-PL-Biz]] (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) * [[http://clip.ipipan.waw.pl/DARIAH.Lab|DARIAH.Lab]] (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities DARIAH-PL) === 2022 === * [[http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/HOMADOS|HOMADOS]] (Hampering Misinformation by Assessing Credibility of Online Sources) * [[http://clip.ipipan.waw.pl/CURLICAT|CURLICAT]] (Curated Multilingual Language Resources for CEF AT) === 2021 === * [[http://clip.ipipan.waw.pl/CLARIN-PL-3|CLARIN-PL]] (Polish chapter of [[http://www.clarin.eu/|Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure]]) * [[http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/CORMETAN|CORMETAN]] (Cognitive and sociocultural analysis of metaphoric expressions in Polish texts) * [[http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/Quantifiers|Kwantyfikatory w języku: użycie i znaczenie]] (Quantifiers in Language: Use and Meaning) === 2020 === * [[http://clip.ipipan.waw.pl/MARCELL|MARCELL]] (Multilingual Resources for CEF.AT in the legal domain) === 2019 === * [[http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/Chronofleks|Chronofleks]] (A diachronic formal model of Polish inflection and its implementation) * [[http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/CoDeS |CoDeS]] (Compositional distributional semantic models for identification, discrimination and disambiguation of senses in Polish texts) * [[http://clip.ipipan.waw.pl/ELRC|ELRC]] (European Language Resource Coordination) * [[Parthenos]] (Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies) * [[http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/Scwad|Scwad]] (Compositional distributional modelling of Polish language semantics) * [[http://synamet.uw.edu.pl/|SYNAMET]] (Microcorpus of Synaesthetic Metaphors. Towards a Formal Description and Efficient Methods of Analysis of Metaphors in Discourse) === 2018 === * [[COTHEC]] (Computable theory of coreference) * [[http://clip.ipipan.waw.pl/CLARIN-PL-2|CLARIN-PL]] (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) * [[KORBA]] (Electronic corpus of 17th and 18th century Polish texts) * [[TextLink]] (Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe) === 2017 === * [[http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/PARSEME|PARSEME]] (PARSing and Multi-word Expressions. Towards linguistic precision and computational efficiency in natural language processing) === 2016 === * [[CLARIN-PL]] (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) * [[http://www.dsp.agh.edu.pl/doku.php?id=pl:research:bezpieczenstwo|Opracowanie systemu informatycznego umożliwiającego identyfikację głosową osób dzwoniących pod numer alarmowy]] * [[http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/OPTA|OPTA]] (Identifying OPinion TArgets and opinion expressions in Polish texts) === 2015 === * [[http://www.dsp.agh.edu.pl/doku.php?id=pl:research:lingwarsz|Lingwistyczny Warsztat]] (Linguistic workshop for speech analysis and recognition) * [[http://www.dsp.agh.edu.pl/doku.php?id=pl:research:300|SpeechSamples]] (Cross-language comparative analysis of phonemes) * [[http://www.dsp.agh.edu.pl/doku.php?id=pl:research:lider|TELEDS]] (Human-computer dialog system based on telephone connection) * [[Readability]] (Measuring the degree of readability of nonliterary Polish texts) === 2014 === * [[NEKST]] (An adaptive system to support problem-solving on the basis of document collections in the Internet) * [[CORE]] (Computer-based methods for coreference resolution in Polish texts) * [[http://www.dsp.agh.edu.pl/doku.php?id=pl:research:pbs|Biometric voice verification and identification]] * [[TrendMiner]] (Large-scale, Cross-lingual Trend Mining and Summarisation of Real-time Media Streams) === 2013 === * [[ATLAS]] (Applied Technology for Language-Aided CMS) * [[CESAR]] (CEntral and South-east europeAn Resources), part of [[http://www.meta-net.eu/|META-NET]] * [[http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/Automatic%20detection%20and%20correction%20of%20annotation%20errors%20in%20Polish%20language%20corpora|Automatic detection and correction of annotation errors in Polish language corpora]] * [[Polish-Russian Parallel Corpus]] * [[psi-toolkit]] (Publicly available tools for automatic processing of Polish language) * [[SYNAT]] (Creation of a universal, open repository platform for hosting and communication of networked resources of knowledge for science, education and open knowledge-based society) === 2012 === * [[http://www.impact-project.eu/|IMPACT]] (Improving Access to Text) * [[https://bitbucket.org/jsbien/ndt|Text digitalization tools for philological research]] * [[plWordNet2|plWordNet 2.0]] === 2011 === * [[CLARIN]] (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) * [[Construction of a treebank for Polish using automatic syntactic analysis]] * [[FLaReNet]] (Fostering Language Resources Network) * [[NKJP]] (National Corpus of Polish) * [[http://www.ppbw.pl/ppbw/8.html|Speech Technology Systems for Public Security Systems]] === 2010 === * [[MONDILEX]] (Conceptual Modelling of Networking of Centres for High-Quality Research in Slavic Lexicography and Their Digital Resources) === 2009 === * [[Automatic detection of semantic dependencies within verb argument structures in large treebanks]] * [[LUNA]] (spoken Language UNderstanding in multilinguAl communication systems) * [[RAMKI]] (Polish Framenet) === 2008 === * [[Automatic extraction of linguistic knowledge from a large corpus of Polish]] * [[LT4eL]] (Language Technology for eLearning) * [[plWordNet]] (Automatic methods of constructing a semantic network of Polish lexemes for natural language processing) === 2007 === * [[Information Extraction from Polish free text]] === 2004 === * The [[IPI PAN Corpus]] of Polish === 2000 === * [[Test Suite of Polish Utterances|Test-Suite of Polish Utterances]] === 1999 === * [[http://bc.klf.uw.edu.pl/33/|Test Suites for Validation and Evaluation of Polish Language Parsers]] === 1998 === * [[GRAMLEX]] * [[HPSG Grammar of Polish]] (theory and implementation) === 1997 === * [[Natural language access to knowledge databases with spatial information]] === 1996 === * [[CEGLEX]] * [[http://nauka-polska.pl/dhtml/raporty/praceBadawcze?rtype=opis&lang=pl&objectId=51593|Morphologico-syntactic Analyser for a Large Subset of Polish]] * [[POLEX]]