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List of all pages, sorted by their size:

  1.  84119 BadContent
  2.  40274 benchmarks
  3.  31735 LRT
  4.  20661 HelpOnAuthentication/ExternalCookie
  5.  15813 HelpOnAccessControlLists
  6.  13660 HelpOnAuthentication
  7.  13657 PL196x
  8.  10946 HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText/RstPrimer
  9.  10858 PPC
  10.  10812 HelpOnConfiguration
  11.  10526 LanguageSetup
  12.  10311 HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport
  13.  10139 HelpOnLinking
  14.   9951 LocalSpellingWords
  15.   9491 HelpOnNavigation
  16.   9433 HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax
  17.   9396 HelpOnMoinCommand
  18.   8209 HelpOnMacros
  19.   7560 HelpOnThemes
  20.   7379 HelpOnMacros/MonthCalendar
  21.   6789 projects
  22.   6573 HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText
  23.   6530 HelpOnSubscribing
  24.   6432 HelpOnActions/AttachFile
  25.   6139 HelpOnTables
  26.   5955 HelpOnActions
  27.   5950 HelpOnEditing
  28.   5832 HelpOnParsers
  29.   5712 PolishWikipediaCorpus
  30.   5544 EuropejskiDzienJezykow2011
  31.   5099 centers
  32.   5024 HelpOnUserPreferences
  33.   4999 HelpOnXapian
  34.   4957 HelpOnPackageInstaller
  35.   4772 HelpOnSynchronisation
  36.   4580 HelpOnCreoleSyntax
  37.   4554 HelpOnProcessingInstructions
  38.   4543 PARSEME-PL
  39.   4460 HelpOnLists
  40.   4437 NationalCorpusOfPolish
  41.   4369 HelpOnNotification
  42.   4359 KORBA
  43.   4251 DEPOTx
  44.   4112 HelpOnMoinCommand/ExportDump
  45.   4064 HelpOnFormatting
  46.   4035 HelpOnImages
  47.   4031 HelpOnSearching
  48.   4002 HelpOnVariables
  49.   3935 DARIAH-PL
  50.   3927 HelpOnEditLocks
  51.   3857 HelpOnMacros/MailTo
  52.   3834 HelpOnSessions
  53.   3722 HelpOnXmlPages
  54.   3718 HelpOnSpam
  55.   3687 WikiTipOfTheDay
  56.   3564 HelpOnConfiguration/SurgeProtection
  57.   3428 PomocPrzyFormatowaniu
  58.   3366 HelpOnSlideShows
  59.   3323 HelpOnMacros/EmbedObject
  60.   3261 HelpOnAutoAdmin
  61.   3202 DeepEREntityLibrary
  62.   3176 MARCELL
  63.   3140 UDisc
  64.   3032 HelpOnGraphicalEditor
  65.   3031 TrendMiner
  66.   2991 CLARIN-PL
  67.   2962 HelpOnUserHandling
  68.   2932 Gazetteer
  69.   2924 PSC
  70.   2910 CESAR
  71.   2878 ELE
  72.   2877 HelpOnDrawings
  73.   2843 KORBA-2
  74.   2827 CURLICAT
  75.   2800 HelpOnMacros/Include
  76.   2783 HelpOnGroups
  77.   2777 POLEX
  78.   2720 Parthenos
  79.   2694 HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences
  80.   2677 ELG
  81.   2662 SpejdLemmatizingGrammar
  82.   2611 HelpOnSpellCheck
  83.   2584 Nexus
  84.   2543 FLaReNet
  85.   2402 POSMAC
  86.   2329 HelpOnLanguages
  87.   2236 HelpOnConfiguration/SupplementationPage
  88.   2223 TextLink
  89.   2169 CEGLEX
  90.   2165 HelpOnComments
  91.   2164 DARIAH.Lab
  92.   2150 MweLitRead
  93.   2065 plWordNet2
  94.   2025 GRAMLEX
  95.   2024 PLLuM
  96.   1998 COTHEC
  97.   1981 HelpOnConfiguration/SecurityPolicy
  98.   1849 HelpOnPageCreation
  99.   1832 HelpOnOpenIDProvider
  100.   1809 WikiName
  101.   1797 HelpForBeginners
  102.   1765 MONDILEX
  103.   1763 Nowy_slownik_angielsko-polski
  104.   1741 HelpOnDictionaries
  105.   1716 RAMKI
  106.   1689 HelpOnEditing/SubPages
  107.   1658 WikiCourse/07 The text editor
  108.   1655 PomocSpisTreści
  109.   1653 Readability
  110.   1648 WikiHomePage
  111.   1619 WikiCourse/16 Wiki internal links
  112.   1560 HelpOnLinking/NotesLinks
  113.   1558 HelpOnCategories
  114.   1556 plWordNet
  115.   1451 PolishACD
  116.   1396 StronaGłówna
  117.   1394 HelpOnSuperUser
  118.   1379 FindPage
  119.   1373 Polish-Russian Parallel Corpus
  120.   1365 WikiCourse/01 What is a MoinMoin wiki?
  121.   1353 HelpOnAdmonitions
  122.   1348 InterWiki
  123.   1347 WikiSandBox
  124.   1346 psi-toolkit
  125.   1340 WikiWikiWeb
  126.   1329 HelpOnUpdatingPython
  127.   1327 PolEval
  128.   1317 HelpOnHeadlines
  129.   1282 Information Extraction from Polish free text
  130.   1279 Natural language access to knowledge databases with spatial information
  131.   1273 HelpOnLogin
  132.   1265 ELRC
  133.   1247 WikiCourse/15 Tables
  134.   1222 WikiCourse/04 Creating a wiki account
  135.   1200 WikiCourse/52 Structure in the wiki
  136.   1199 HelpOnTemplates
  137.   1177 NieistniejącaStronaDomowa
  138.   1167 WikiCourse
  139.   1146 Construction of a treebank for Polish using automatic syntactic analysis
  140.   1135 HelpContents
  141.   1133 Summar
  142.   1132 HelpOnAdministration
  143.   1091 HelpOnConfiguration/FileAttachments
  144.   1067 PRTC
  145.   1027 FortuneCookies
  146.   1026 Converters4NKJP
  147.   1018 FrontPage
  148.   1008 Poliqarp
  149.   1007 WikiCourse/02 Finding information
  150.    981 WikiCourse/10 Text layout with wiki markup
  151.    977 WikiCourse/20 Dynamic content
  152.    944 OstatnieZmiany
  153.    930 AleksanderWawer
  154.    904 MissingHomePage
  155.    902 WikiCourse/50 Wiki etiquette
  156.    881 HelpOnPageDeletion
  157.    874 Summarizer
  158.    873 DeepEvents
  159.    871 HelpForUsers
  160.    867 WikiCourse/06 Your own wiki homepage
  161.    851 ZnajdźStronę
  162.    849 WikiCourse/03 Staying up to date
  163.    832 Automatic extraction of linguistic knowledge from a large corpus of Polish
  164.    830 RecentChanges
  165.    822 WikiCourse/18 Attachments
  166.    787 WikiCourse/30 The graphical editor
  167.    749 WikiCourse/40 Creating more pages
  168.    746 WikiCourse/17 External links
  169.    724 HelpOnSlideShows/100 Creating the slides
  170.    723 WikiCourse/21 Macros
  171.    718 WikiCourse/05 User preferences
  172.    714 XsltVersion
  173.    713 HelpOnSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation
  174.    701 WikiCourse/12 Headlines
  175.    689 HelpOnRules
  176.    666 WikiCourse/11 Paragraphs
  177.    662 CategoryCategory
  178.    654 WikiCourse/08 Hot Keys
  179.    645 SyncJobTemplate
  180.    638 Home
  181.    635 WikiCourse/51 Applications
  182.    635 LCM-PL
  183.    619 HelpOnSlideShows/000 Introduction
  184.    608 WikiCourse/14 Text styles
  185.    594 Automatic detection of semantic dependencies within verb argument structures in large treebanks
  186.    585 WikiCourse/13 Lists
  187.    560 ProjectGroupsTemplate
  188.    519 ProjectTemplate
  189.    502 MissingPage
  190.    501 CLIPOtherGroup
  191.    481 MoinMoin
  192.    456 NieistniejącaStrona
  193.    444 SlideShowHandOutTemplate
  194.    372 WikiCourse/22 Parsers
  195.    362 HelpOnSmileys
  196.    356 WikiCourse/23 Actions
  197.    356 CategoryTemplate
  198.    315 IndeksTytułów
  199.    313 WikiCourse/19 Symbols
  200.    307 SlideShowTemplate
  201.    298 UkrPolDict
  202.    296 TitleIndex
  203.    289 IndeksSłów
  204.    273 PageHits
  205.    272 WordIndex
  206.    271 HomepageTemplate
  207.    269 HelpIndex
  208.    263 EditedSystemPages
  209.    247 AbandonedPages
  210.    245 CategoryHomepage
  211.    241 EventStats
  212.    230 people
  213.    208 CLIPWroclawGroup
  214.    207 WantedPages
  215.    202 SideBar
  216.    189 RandomPage
  217.    184 PageSize
  218.    176 AdamPrzepiorkowski
  219.    175 HelpTemplate
  220.    175 SlideTemplate
  221.    169 PermissionDeniedPage
  222.    168 OrphanedPages
  223.    167 plTreebank
  224.    145 WikiCourseHandOut
  225.    136 LocalBadContent
  226.    135 SystemInfo
  227.    131 EventStats/UserAgents
  228.    130 EventStats/Languages
  229.    130 EventStats/HitCounts
  230.    122 CamelCase
  231.    101 HomepageReadWritePageTemplate
  232.     99 HomepagePrivatePageTemplate
  233.     98 HomepageGroupsTemplate
  234.     98 CLIPGroup
  235.     96 SystemAdmin
  236.     96 HomepageReadPageTemplate
  237.     85 POSMAC/datasets
  238.     78 PolishOpenCyc
  239.     77 Test Suite of Polish Utterances
  240.     75 CRON
  241.     66 HPSG Grammar of Polish
  242.     61 PCC
  243.     61 PolishCoreferenceCorpus
  244.     59 PolishDiscourseCorpus
  245.     59 plNER
  246.     59 PDC
  247.     56 IPI PAN Corpus
  248.     47 CESCorpus
  249.     46 PANTERA
  250.     45 Walenty
  251.     44 Spejd
  252.     44 CLARIN
  253.     43 NEKST
  254.     43 ATLAS
  255.     43 LT4eL
  256.     43 SYNAT
  257.     42 CORE
  258.     42 LUNA
  259.     42 NKJP
  260.     38 plPPC
  261.     38 plSMC
  262.     37 Linguistic Engineering Group
  263.     36 PVD
  264.     22 Benchmarks
  265.     20 Projects
  266.     19 centres
  267.     19 Centres
  268.     19 Centers
  269.     18 CLIPCreatorsGroup
  270.     18 People
  271.     15 lrt